isole Eolie

Weather in the Aeolian Islands

The best months to spend a holiday in the Aeolian Islands are May, June and September. But every season in the Aeolian Islands has its beauty… and often its drawbacks too.   You can swim and the island is not … Read More

How to get to Lipari

You can reach Lipari by hydrofoil, ferry or helicopter. The islands can be reached from the airports of Catania, Naples, Palermo and Reggio Calabria. By sea you can reach the islands by hydrofoil from the ports of Naples, Messina, Milazzo … Read More

Trekking on Stromboli – Short film of Stromboli

Trekking on Stromboli – Short film of Stromboli

Lipari island

Lipari is the largest of the islands. Its ancient name was Meligunis. There are twelve extinct volcanoes, from which the two most important stones for the islands were extracted: pumice and obsidian. You can still see the old pumice quarries … Read MoreRead More

Photo Gallery Aeolian islands

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